DigitalSnac Branding 4-hr Kit
Brand Brilliance: Unveil Your Signature Style with WebSnac's DigitalSnac Branding!

DigitalSnac Branding 4-hr Kit! Crafting Brands that Shine Brighter!

Perfect for businesses ready to make their mark in the digital arena, this package offers the key elements to build a strong and consistent brand identity, all at an unbeatable value.

Unlock the power of professional branding in the digital world with the DigitalSnac Branding Kit—a perfect blend of quality and affordability designed to give your business the visual identity it deserves. Whether you’re launching a new venture or refreshing an existing brand, this package provides everything you need to make a lasting impression without breaking the bank. With expertly crafted branding, a thoughtfully selected color palette, and a concise style guide, you’ll be equipped to present your business with confidence and consistency across all the digital platforms. Elevate your brand today and lay the foundation for lasting success.

Branding Kit

Choosing a DigitalSnac Branding 4-hr Kit for your business, with WebSnac is more than just a makeover—it’s a strategic investment in your brand’s future. We understand that effective branding goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about creating a cohesive identity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from competitors.

With our comprehensive digital branding kit, you'll gain clarity on your brand's voice, values, and visual identity, ensuring consistency across all platforms. From logo design to color schemes, typography, and brand guidelines, we tailor every element to reflect your unique story and enhance the digital brand recognition.

By partnering with WebSnac for your digital branding journey, you're not just getting a digital design service; you're equipping your business with the tools to build trust, loyalty, and long-term success in the market.

Price $599.00: For this DigitalSnac Branding 4-hr Kit of digital design work including a pre - review of what it is you are looking to do!


Brand Discovery Session:

  • A .5 of an hour, one-on-one session to delve into your brand’s core. We explore your goals, target audience, and unique value propositions to ensure your branding reflects your business identity.
  • You’ll receive personalized insights and actionable recommendations to sharpen your brand message and visual appeal. ​

Logo Design:

  • We craft 2 unique initial logo concepts that resonate with your brand's vision.
  • You’ll have the opportunity for 2 revisions at a maximum of .5 of an hour total that we set aside for rivision work only for the 2 revisions as part of this plan to refine the chosen concept to perfection, ensuring it aligns with your brand’s personality and goals. ​

Basic Color Palette:

  • A curated selection of 3 primary colors and 2 secondary colors that will define your brand's visual identity.
  • Our color choices are designed to create a strong, cohesive look across all brand materials, enhancing brand recognition. ​

Font Selection:

  • We select primary and secondary fonts that complement your logo and overall brand style.
  • You’ll receive guidelines on how to use these fonts consistently across all platforms, ensuring a professional and cohesive appearance. ​

Basic Style Guide:

  • A concise document that outlines the essential components of your brand’s visual identity, including logo usage, color palette, and typography.
  • This guide serves as a reference for maintaining brand consistency, making it easier for you and your team to apply your branding across different media.

Why the DigitalSnac Branding 4-hr Kit is a Smart Option:


  • Ideal for startups or small businesses looking to establish a strong brand presence without a large investment. ​

Foundational Branding:

  • Provides the essential elements needed to create a recognizable and consistent brand identity, which is crucial for building brand loyalty. ​

Focused & Streamlined:

  • This package is designed to cover the most critical aspects of branding, allowing you to get started quickly and efficiently. ​

Professional Design on a Budget:

  • You’ll receive high-quality design work from experienced professionals at an accessible price point. ​


  • The basic style guide and color palette ensure that as your business grows, your branding can be easily expanded and built upon.

Additional Details:

Tailored to Your Needs:

  • The Brand Discovery Session is customized to uncover the specific needs and opportunities for your business, ensuring that the branding reflects your unique value proposition. ​

Collaborative Process:

  • We believe in collaboration. You’re involved in every step of the logo design process, from concept development to final selection, ensuring the outcome truly represents your brand. ​

Consistency Across All Platforms:

  • The provided style guide and font selection empower you to maintain a consistent brand image across all your marketing materials, from your website to business cards. ​

​ This package is perfect for businesses that are just starting out or looking to refresh their brand identity on a budget, providing all the essential tools to establish a solid foundation for your brand.

Call us at: 1-833-932-7622 for great and fast help!

And don't forget we have print services also. Just ask your account representative.

Package ID: #4
Get Great Branding!
Consistency: Establish a cohesive brand identity across all marketing channels, fostering trust and recognition.
Professionalism: Present a polished image that enhances credibility and attracts customers.
Market Differentiation: Stand out from competitors with a unique and memorable brand personality.
Customer Appeal: Appeal to your target audience's preferences and values through strategic visual elements.
Brand Loyalty: Build stronger connections with customers who resonate with your brand story and values.
Scalability: Adapt your branding as your business grows, maintaining relevance and appeal.
Marketing Efficiency: Streamline your marketing efforts with clear brand guidelines that guide messaging and design.
Brand Equity: Increase the value of your brand over time through consistent branding efforts.
Recognition: Enhance brand recall and visibility in a crowded marketplace.
Long-term Investment: Ensure your brand remains relevant and competitive in evolving market conditions.
Starting at: $599.00 This package is for 4-hrs. of design work. More hours can always be purchase if needed!