Sales Landing Page - WordPress
WordPress Wonders: Crafting Conversion Magic!

Sales Landing Page - WordPress

Beef Up Your Conversion Rates With WordPress!

Sales Landing Page - WordPress

Price: $699.00 for this 6 hour Sales Landing Page Package of WordPress Work!

Get a custom-tailored WordPress landing page. We build it for you. Perfect for supercharging ad campaigns and collecting vital customer information while providing a WordPress backend for easy management. This package is ideal for businesses looking to create high-converting landing pages that drive sales and engagement.

Who Is This Package For?

  • Any business looking to create high-converting landing pages.
  • Any marketer needing funnels to collect lead information and orders.
  • Any agency wanting a white-labeled solution for their clients.

Bullet Points

  • Custom-designed landing page tailored to your brand and objectives
  • Full setup and integration with WordPress
  • Optimization for lead collection and order processing
  • White-labeled options available for agencies
  • High-converting landing pages for businesses and marketers
  • Fast setup time from receipt of onboarding document
  • Access needed to WordPress admin dashboard for setup and integration
  • Approval process with design file review via email
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions included @ .25-hrs each revision

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in this package?

– Custom-designed landing page tailored to your brand and objectives.
– Full setup and integration with WordPress.
– Optimization for lead collection and order processing.
– White-labeled options available for agencies.

How long is the setup time?

– The setup time for this package is typically 7-10 days from receipt of your onboarding document.

Do you need access to my website or my client’s website?

– Yes, we need access to your WordPress admin dashboard to set up the landing page.

What type of access do you need?

– We need access to your WordPress admin dashboard.

Can you email me everything you need from my client?

– Sure, just ask Your PM (Project Manager) to get the instructions sent to you.

What does the approval process look like?

– After you pay for this service and complete the onboarding document, we will start designing your landing page or funnel. All designs are sent to you for your approval via email / account before going live. If you require any changes during our approval process, we can take care of them immediately and send you the revised copies. Your PM (Project Manager) will work with you to get approval.


– This package comes with up to 2 rounds of revisions to ensure your satisfaction.

Package ID: #127
Transform Your Leads!
Custom-designed landing page tailored to your brand and objectives
Full setup and integration with WordPress
Optimization for lead collection and order processing
White-labeled options available for agencies
High-converting landing pages for businesses and marketers
Fast setup time from receipt of onboarding document
Access needed to WordPress admin dashboard for setup and integration
Approval process with design file review via email
- Up to 2 rounds of revisions included @ .25-hrs each revision
Up to 6-hrs of work included with more hours available to purchase if needed